I'm in.

Dear Friends,

I’m excited to announce that I am running for re-election to the Alexandria City Council!

Over the last five years our community has had to endure major challenges and changes. But we have persevered by facing our challenges and opportunities together. I am proud to have worked alongside so many of you to keep moving Alexandria forward.

Together, we have made tremendous investments in a brighter future for all of Alexandria. From transportation and affordable housing, to worker’s rights and our small businesses, Alexandria continues to make much needed progress as a community.

We were first in the region to have fare free bus service and we opened a new Metro station in Potomac Yard. We have broken ground on multiple affordable housing projects, including those with homeownership opportunities. We were first in the region to pilot a guaranteed basic income program and our budgets have invested in the needs of our diverse families and our youth.

Through my service on Council and in our community, I hope you still see in me the leadership that our community needs. I am asking once more for your trust and confidence in the stewardship of our great city as I humbly seek your support for another term.

While at times it has not been easy, I am proud of all that we’ve accomplished together and I remain committed to fighting for all of us. Alexandria’s diversity is its strength and I will continue to push for a more inclusive and accessible community.

I hope you will stand with me once again as I seek to continue this journey of service. Help my campaign hit the ground running by making a contribution or sign up to volunteer to ensure we reach all Alexandrians.

I would love to have you join us at my campaign kickoff on Saturday, February 17. The event is free for all to attend, RSVP here

Con mucho cariño y respeto,